If you are getting married or entering into a registered partnership before your pension takes effect, then your partner will receive a pension when you pass away. This is called partner’s pension. Marriages and registered partnerships in the Netherlands are automatically reported to us via your municipality.
Register your partner with us
If you have a notarial cohabitation contract, are married or have a registered partnership, please notify us if you live abroad. Send a copy of your notarial cohabitation contract or your marriage/registered partnership certificate to us by post or via the contact form. Please note your partner's citizen service number on the document. You will receive a confirmation when we have processed the information. When you die, we will contact your partner.

What will your partner receive after your death?
If you wish to know the amount of the partner's pension, go to My Koopvaardij or see your annual Uniform Pension Overview (UPO).
Go to My KoopvaardijDo you wish to know more?
- Should your relationship end, it is good to know what this will mean for your pension. For more information, go to You and your partner are separating.