The new Dutch Future Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen - Wtp) took effect on 1 July 2023. It means that every pension scheme needs to change, including that of Bpf Koopvaardij. The social partners – i.e. the representatives of the employees and employers together – have been busy recently making arrangements about the new pension scheme. Those arrangements have now been finalised, and are set out in the 'transition plan'. You can now access the plan.
The arrangements are set out in the transition plan
The transition plan is a comprehensive plan. It is the basis for switching to the new pension scheme. The transition plan sets out all the new arrangements for our pension scheme. The plan also states what will happen to pensions already accrued and those being paid out now. You can find the entire transition plan here (pdf, Dutch only).
Would you prefer to know only the most important arrangements in English? We have prepared a general release for each target group with easy-to-understand explanations.

The next step
The intended start date for the new pension scheme is 1 January 2026. Until then, there is still a lot to be done. So Bpf Koopvaardij is continuing preparations. Bpf Koopvaardij must also assess whether it can implement the new arrangements. The board is also checking whether the arrangements made are fair to all current and former members: young, old, retired or working. We will draw up an implementation plan and a communication plan in the period ahead.
- In the implementation plan, we will describe what is needed to launch a new pension scheme on 1 January 2026. For example, adapting our policies, administration and investments. And how we deal with accrued pensions and pensions already in payment.
- The communication plan is part of the implementation plan and deals with communication about the new pension scheme. In the communication plan, we will elaborate on the following:
- who we are going to inform;
- what we are going to communicate;
- when we will be communicating something; and
- in what way we will do that.
Do you have questions in the meantime?
If so, visit the page dedicated to the new pension scheme, where you will also find a timeline and frequently asked questions.