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Published on 14 December 2022

Bpf Koopvaardij to collaborate with BDO and MN on payroll audits

Last summer, our administrator MN announced that with effect from 1 January 2023 it would no longer be able to conduct payroll audit visits to employers affiliated to Bpf Koopvaardij. Bpf Koopvaardijā€™s board looked for an alternative, which it found in the form of a combination of MN and BDO Accountants.

Nothing will change as regards arrangements and questions about content, for which you were used to being in touch with MN. Where these services are concerned, you will continue to receive support from the same familiar contacts. It will however be BDO staff who will approach you as an employer, both digitally and on site, in order to reconcile payroll data. This will be managed by MN.

BDO has extensive experience with this type of service in the industry pension funds sector. We are confident about working with you and BDO to ensure that our pension data is complete and accurate.

If you have any questions about the payroll audits, please contact our Employers Desk.