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Published on 12 January 2022

Pension overview for pensioners and annual pension statement available soon

Are you receiving a pension from us? If so, you will receive your Uniform Pension Overview (UPO) for pensioners and your annual pension statement in January. Your annual pension statement shows how much pension you received from us in 2021. Your pension overview shows the pension that you will receive from us in 2022. You can also see how much your partner and/or children, if any, will receive when you die.

How do you receive the documents?
We will make your pension overview and annual pension statement digitally available for you in MyĀ Koopvaardij (log in with DigiD or eIDAS*).

  • If you have indicated that you would like to communicate with us digitally, you will receive an e-mail from us as soon as your documents are available.
  • If you indicated that you would like to receive your post on paper, you will receive both documents by post.
  • If you haven't yet made a choice, you will receive the documents by post in this case too. If you would prefer to go digital, indicate your choice in My Koopvaardij.

You will need the annual pension statement for your tax return
Your annual pension statement shows you how much pension you received from us and what was deducted in wage tax and under the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zvw). You will need this information for the audit of your 2021 tax return.

* For more information on eIDAS and the current status of approved countries, go to